Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello, World!


And here is the first post. *Drum roll*. This blog has finally taken off after...............3 weeks. I have finally found some time to post some material to this blog, thanks to the long weekend. Anyway now that things have been set in motion(perpetual, I hope), I will soon be posting links to my own programs and source code, and describe how they work, and why they work. You can download them, edit them, redistribute them(feedback them?).......the possibilities are endless. Most of my programs will be in c++ or Java, and for those out there with Lego Mindstorms NXT, I will be posting programs for the LeJOS OS on the NXT. I also always have a ton of doubts and if you are a person who is more knowledgeable than me in the field of programming(you only have to be ahead by a class), please help me out!

This is not the end...........

Aravind Rao